During my Short Summer Vacation

Don't you love to watch drama💜i really love to watch b drama, c drama and  k drama. 

Asian Drama Series
this one is my fav  one😍
zhao lusi
xiao zhan

So, during my summer vacation i had been watching drama.👀 You guys might be thinking i had been watching drama everyday😕. No i had also helped my parents, went to play with my brother and sister and went to walk but most of the time i had been watching drama ,💖eating and sleeping. Of course i did project work and worried about my result😟During my vacation one funny thing happend with me was when i went to walk i used to watch drama and people around me were saying that i was mad actually i was laughing, crying😢 and acting silly because of watching drama. They even complained to my mother so, what i learned my leason through this was don't walk playing mobile phone😐

                                            Don't you guys also love to watch drama??
                                           If you guys do please tell me your fav drama name                                                                                                   💚💙


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